Version 2.0 DEMO update now Live!

Thanks to all the amazing and in depth feedback I have received on the official first beta demo, I have uploaded and launched a 2.0 version of

the demo, which is now live and available for everyone. This version includes many bugs and updates, including:

-Several grammar updates.

-Character bio's were added for Alex and Eddie in the status menu.

-The Journal menu now displays in the correct font.

-several clipping issues around Vapor City have been corrected.

-A few maps have had their artwork updated to be more beautiful.

-Combat balancing : Some enemies have had their health pools lowered slightly to stop drawn out battle fatigue. Certain bosses have had attack types added, and their dynamic behavior has been sped up.

-Defense lowering abilities should now perform as intended.

-Enemy currency drops have been increased slightly.

-Your party now fully heals HP and MP upon leveling up.

I hope you will enjoy your time exploring Vapor City and uncovering the mysteries of GROVE!


GROVE: Nostalgia's End - DEMO Disc 1 1.6 GB
Version 2 Mar 08, 2022

Get Nostalgia's End - SNES inspired RPG

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